Hamamatsu presents FESCA-100

30 Gennaio 2018

Hamamatsu Photonics presents FESCA-100, a new streak camera that achieves the world’s highest level of temporal resolution


Hamamatsu Photonics has developed a new streak camera, FESCA-100, that achieves the world’s highest level of temporal resolution as a result of a newly developed structural design.

The new streak camera can measure optical phenomena in 100 femtoseconds (one-quadrillionth of a second) with a temporal resolution twice as high as conventional products.

The FESCA-100 was developed for applications including the tuning of accelerators, where the measurement of light emission phenomena occurs in extremely short time periods by irradiating an accelerated block of electrons to a metal plate.

We will begin accepting orders from the 21 August 2017, initially our focus will be with institutions and universities which have accelerators. We will then extend our promotion to institutions, universities and companies who are conducting research on ultrashort pulsed lasers.


Source Hamamatsu Photonics

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