IUPAC Green Chemistry 2016, Venezia (Italy)
04 - 08 Settembre 2016

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice University Campus, via Torino, (Venezia, Italy)
“On arid lands there will spring up industrial colonies without smoke and without smokestacks; forests of glass tubes will extend over the plains and glass buildings will rise everywhere; inside of these will take place the photochemical processes that hitherto have been the guarded secret of the plants, but that will have been mastered by human industry which will know how to make them bear even more abundant fruit than nature, for nature is not in a hurry but mankind is”
Giacomo Ciamician ( Bologna University), Science, 36 (1912), 385
Five topics:
Green Materials
Green Bioprocesses
Green Energy
Green industrial processes and Molecular innovation
Green Policy, Sustainability and Safety