REM Conference “Transition Path in the Mediterranean Area”
2 Luglio 2020

The first live session of REM Conference is now confirmed and will focus on the new strategies applied by energy companies in the post-covid phase. The urgent need to boost the transition towards a decarbonized sustainable future calls for a portfolio of solutions able to promote medium-term sustainability with the necessary restructuring of the whole energy industry.
“Transition Path in the Mediterranean Area (in a post Covid Environment)”
REM 2020 opening session will focus on the new strategies applied by energy companies in the post-covid phase. The urgent need to boost the transition towards a decarbonized sustainable future calls for a portfolio of solutions able to promote medium-term sustainability with the necessary restructuring of the whole energy industry.
The Mediterranean region is at a cross-roads of civilizations and is made up of countries with varied economic, political and cultural profiles. The energy demand resulting from the rapid development of Mediterranean countries will change the landscape of the entire region thanks to technological innovation and new financing methods.
According estimates around 3 trillion euros will be needed in the next 20 years.
Follow the debate on July 2nd, chaired by:
Manfred Hafner, Professor at FEEM and Johns Hopkins University
Rabia Ferroukhi, Director of the Knowledge, Policy and Finance Division IRENA
Enrico Granara, Plenipotentiary Minister, Coordinator of EuroMediterranean Affairs MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS
Ali Hached, Advisor to the Chairman & CEO SONATRACH
Gio 2 lug 2020 15.00 – 16.30 CEST
#webinar #virtual #digital #online #live